So… you would like to get in touch with me? 

How about a small donation first… it helps with my comunication skills

then join our community, like and re-post something

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or have a chat with us in the group (english please) for more sos situations and direct guidance

The whats up group is invitation only and is being moderated for our own good fun

NO donation NO request


Note! I’m open on sujestions as well as, for any kind of help on developing the website. I’m always trying to keep it updated on my spear time,that i dont have much, and provide as much help as possible for FREE (so donations are always a nice suprise). I encourage you,to do your own research on BTC and other cryptos. Use the list as a hobby, with guaranteed small income (not wonders), because off ALL LINKS ON MY LIST ARE WORKING AND PAYING AND ARE VIRUS FREE SITES. Not like the stupid infected, slow and toy site of Hannes that coppies me!


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⇑ click th piggy ⇑